PoCo Judo Awards Dinner Raffle Bundles

April 12th, 2012  |  Published in Clinics & Events  |  1 Comment

PoCo Judo Awards Dinner Raffle Bundles

One of the fund raising events for our club is a raffle at our awards dinner. We would ask that everyone donate an item towards our raffle bundles. Here’s how it works. Each class will be asked to bring something new that relates to the theme they have been assigned. Each class will have 3 themes. We will go by last names so check to see which theme your name falls under. Please bring in the items to Judy no later than Tuesday April 24. We will then arrange the items into bundles and raffle them off at the awards dinner on April 27. If anyone has any baskets that would be suitable for bundles please bring them into Judo as soon as possible.

6:00 class
A – G Junk Food Junkies
H – N Family Fun/Movie Night
O – Z Chocolate Delight

7:00 class
A – G Sports Junkies
H – N Pet Paradise
O – Z Gardening

Adult class
A – G Lottery Bonanza
H – N Wine and Cheese
O – Z Beers around the World

As well if anyone has a larger item that they would like to donate towards door prizes or silent auction anything would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to canvas stores for donations we have letters available for this purpose.

Thank You

These are some possible suggestions for the bundles, feel free to come up with your own creative ideas as well.


  1. Poco Judo Banquet This Friday, April 27th 7 PM at Citadel Middle School. :: Port Coquitlam Judo Club says:

    April 25th, 2012at 8:29 am(#)

    […] For information on the raffle baskets click here […]